Women’s Connect Topic Guide
Guide for Bible Study adapted from ‘Women of the Word’ by Jen Wilken
It is helpful to have a variety of translations to read during your study and, perhaps, a printed copy of the passage, with significant spacing between lines and in margins, in which to take notes.
Pray (praise, admit, request, thank) about your study.
Read your selected study passage/ book through completely.
Pray that God will reveal Himself as you seek the purpose of His Word.
How does the passage/ book fit the metanarrative (the big picture) of the Bible?
What part does it play in telling the story of creation-fall-redemption?
How does it point to the reign and rule of God?
Pray (praise, admit, request, thank) that God will grant you clarity and perspective
in His Word.
Use a study Bible, trusted commentary or both to discover the archeological facts
about the passage/ book.
Who wrote it?
When was it written?
To whom was it written?
In what style was it written?
Why was it written?
Pray (praise, admit, request, thank) that God will give you patience as you study
and contemplate His Word.
Slow down and give yourself the time to soak in what God has in store for you to
learn from His Word. You should have no set timeline for study but be reasonable.
Set your pace, focusing on the long-term.
Pray (praise, admit, request, thank) for further understanding in the details of
studying the passage/ book.
Read your selected study passage/ book through completely again.
Comprehension (What does it say?):
Create an outline
Mark the following:
Repeated words, phrases or ideas
Attributes of God
If several significant points are made, number them
Identify words you don’t understand or want clarification on and look
them up in a dictionary
Key transition words
An arrow connecting a concluding thought to its beginning argument
Any confusing ideas
Questions in the margin to address later
Interpretation (What does it mean?)
Cross-references – look up these scriptures and note significance
Paraphrase – write your own summation of the passage/ book
Commentary Consultation – read a trusted commentary on the
passage/ book
Application (How should it change me?)
What does this passage/ book teach me about God?
How does this aspect of God’s character change my view of self?
What should I do in response?
Read your selected study passage/ book through completely again.
Pray (praise, admit, request, thank) that God will help you apply what you have
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